Young Professional Mentoring

As a response to a suggestion at the Europarc Atlantic Isles section meeting in Leewarden in 2023 we have set up a nine month pilot to develop the young professional mentoring scheme for protected area staff in the UK and Ireland.

The Mentees will be young professionals (up to age 35) working in protected landscapes or on protected landscape issues who are members of Europarc Atlantic Isles Section

The Mentors will be again drawn from the membership of EAI with experience of the working world and have volunteered to take part of the project.

The format of mentoring will be either of two way:

  • Drop in brain dating over a particular issue.
  • Longer term in depth 3- 6-month matching

Depending on the location of the mentor or mentee this can be online or face to face.
The mentoring will focus on personal development and not on technical issues and could use the following structure.

  • Strategy
  • Image
  • Performance
  • Relationships
  • Organisation
  • Managing Change

By using these discussion areas, mentors can begin to develop a useful working relationship with the mentee. Following the initial session, the mentoring meetings can then start to adopt a more regular format.

EAI will provide guidelines, structure and materials for mentors and mentees and seek feedback and reporting to improve and develop the process.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee please contact Anita Prosser