About us


Bringing together organisations and individuals managing protected areas in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Republic of Ireland. EAI’s objectives are to:

  • promote for the benefit of the public the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment in particular by promoting best practice in protected area management and sustainable development in the Atlantic Isles region;
  • advance the education of the public in the subjects of sustainable development, the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment in the Atlantic Isles region;
  • promote for the benefit of the public the dedication of open spaces and parkland for use by the public for exercise and recreation, whether as protected areas or otherwise, in the Atlantic Isles region and in particular to promote models of tourism that are consistent with sustainable development and the conservation of the environment.

Structure and Governance

Europarc Atlantic Isles is a registered charity (No. 1114189) and company limited by guarantee (No. 5750588). It is run by a board of trustees, currently comprising twelve people:

  • David Butterworth
  • Lois Mansfield
  • Kenny Auld
  • Chris Dean
  • Tim Duckmanton
  • Anna Pollard
  • Cath Hopely
  • Joanna Swiers
  • Paul Thompson
  • William Cormacan
  • Mary-Jane Alexander
  • Hayden Bridgeman

It has a part-time development adviser Anita Prosser to coordinate its work.

The organisation is a section of the EUROPARC Federation, the umbrella organisation for protected areas in Europe, which has an active network of members in some 36 European countries.


EAI’s membership includes national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty, regional parks, government agencies, NGOs and individuals. Members come from England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland.

Membership of EUROPARC Atlantic Isles is open to all, although you do also need to be a member of the EUROPARC Federation. As a member of EAI you are part of an active, lively and extensive network. Our members bring with them a huge amount of expertise and experience from all countries in our region and from all designations of protected landscape.

Different rates apply and you can find out about becoming a member here or contact the Anita Prosser

International links

As a Section of the EUROPARC Federation, we work directly with colleagues from across Europe and have sister sections in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Nordic-Baltic region, Low Countries and Spain. This gives everyone who works for and with our protected landscapes the opportunity to be part of this bigger, continental picture.

Work programme

Our work programme is centred on training through networking and the exchange of expertise in the management of protected landscapes (across all designations). As part of the EUROPARC Federation, EAI is able to integrate the European dimension to this work, bringing in experts from other European countries to participate in the EAI seminar series, as well as facilitating member participation in pan-European projects and programmes.

We also contribute to Europe-wide programmes led by the Federation, including the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism and the Junior Ranger network, and to EU advocacy work in Brussels.

You can find our Statergy for 2023/25 at this link EAI strategy

The wider Federation

EAI is part of a dynamic European network.

The EUROPARC Federation is both the voice of Europe’s protected areas and their umbrella organisation. It brings together a wide range of organisations and individuals involved in the policy and practice of managing national parks and other protected landscapes. Its members represent more than 400 nationally protected areas in 36 European countries. It aims to raise awareness of and support for protected areas and to promote good management practices among them. EAI is proud to be a section of the Federation.

Privacy Policy

Find our privacy policy here

Contact us

To get in touch with us please contact the EAI Development Advisor, Anita Prosser, by e-mail or by telephone +44 (0)747 4949 444.