UK Marine Protected Areas: Webinar Report

29th June, 2015

The purpose of this webinar was to review progress across the UK in establishing marine protected areas, especially to compare the different approaches taken in the constituent countries of the UK.

Presentations and discussion focused on the legislative background, where the designation process has got to, what has been designated so far and where, what is in the pipeline, how MPAs are being managed or will MPAs be managed, the relationship with onshore designations, as well as the context of EU and international commitments.

The following information accompanies the presentation by Jamie Davies and relates to marine protected areas in English territorial waters (area out to 12nm):

  • 102 MPAs designated (as at May 2015)
  • Covers 12,663 km² of the total 0-12nm area which is equal to 24.4%
  • Government’s current target is to protect excess of 25% of English inshore waters by the end 2016 in a well-managed network.

These include 21 ‘Tranche 1’ MCZs designated by Defra in November 2013. There is ongoing work in England to designate further MPAs including additional MCZs by end 2016, with work on extensions to SPAs for birds and potential new SACs for Harbour Porpoise.

A recording of the webinar is available on request. Please e-mail EUROPARC AI’s Development Adviser to receive a copy.